Minggu, 25 Juni 2017

T4_Adjective and Adverb

1. Adjective
Adjective adalah kata yang berfungsi untuk menerangkan kata benda (noun) atau kata ganti benda (pronoun). Dengan demikian tugas adjective adalah untuk memodifikasi noun atau pronoun agar lebih spesifik dan menarik. Adjective biasanya terletak di depan kata benda atau kata ganti, namun adjective juga bisa berdiri sendiri jika menjadi pelengkap dalam sebuah kalimat.
A. Jenis-Jenis Adjective

1. Descriptive adjective (kata sifat deskriptif)
Descriptive adjective adalah adjective yang menerangkan keadaan, tindakan, atau jumlah dari kata benda. Adjective ini merupakan adjective yang paling banyak jumlahnya dari beberapa jenis adjective lainya.
Contoh : I have a big house
2. Adjective of number/quantity (kata sifat jumlah dan bilangan)
Adjective of number/quantity ini menerangkan jumlah suatu benda; seberapa banyak ataupun seberapa sering. Adjective ini, umumnya diletakan sebelum kata benda.
Contoh : I have much money
3. Demonstrative adjective (kata sifat penunjuk)
Kata sifat ini berfungsi sebagai penunjuk kata benda sehingga selalu diikuti kata benda yang bersangkutan, misalnya this man, these girls, that wire.
Contoh : This car is mine
4. Interrogative adjective
Interrogative adjective adalah kata sifat yang menggunakan kata tanya seperti what dan which.
Contoh : What film are you watching?
5. Possessive adjective (kata sifat kepemilikan)
Kata sifat ini berfungsi untuk menunjukan kepemilikan seseorang.

Contoh : Her bag is expensive

6. Past participle adjective

Contoh : I have a broken house

B. Cara Penempatan Adjective
Tidak seperti dalam bahasa Indonesia yang bebas meletakkan adjektive ketika terdapat beberapa adjektive. Namun dalam bahasa Inggris, ketika terdapat beberapa adjektive maka harus mengikuti pola dibawah ini:
a) determiner (the, a, any, some, any, dll)
b) opinion (rich, lazy, diligent, dll)
c) size (big, small, tall)
d) age (old, new, young, dll)
e) shape (thin, round, fat, dll)
f) colour (yellow, white, black)
g) origin (Indonesia, Italian, )
h) material (plastic, cotton, rubber)
i) purpose (swimming, tennis, school)
j) Noun (home, book, racket)

2. Adverb
Adverb (kata keterangan) adalah kata yang berfungsi menerangkan kata kerja (verb), kata sifat (adjective), atau kata keterangan lainnya. Dalam bahasa Inggris, ada 8 jenis kata keterangan.

A. Adverb of Manner
Adverb of manner memberi penjelasan tentang bagaimana atau dengan cara apa suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Contohnya adalah sadly, happily, bravely, hard, fast, soundly, fairly, dan seterusnya.
Contoh : She stared at me curiously
B. Adverb of Time
Adverb of time (keterangan waktu) adalah kata yang menunjuk pada kapan sesuatu terjadi atau berada. Beberapa kata yang tergolong adverb of time adalah immediately (secepatnya), then (nanti), now (sekarang), yesterday (kemarin), tommorow (besok), later (kemudian), daily (setiap hari), dan lain-lain.
Contoh : Darma always comes late.
C. Adverb of Place
Adverb of place menerangkan tempat. Contoh adverb of place adalah here (di sini), there (di sana), below (di bawah), near (dekat), dan sebagainya.
Contoh : Nina always looks down.
D. Adverb of Frequency
Adverb of frequency menerangkan seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan. Yang termasuk adverb of frequency antara lain often (sering), never (tidak pernah), frequently (kerap kali, sering), sometimes (kadang-kadang), usually (biasanya), rarely (jarang, langka), dan seldom (jarang).
Contoh : I often forget her face.
E. Adverb of certainty
Adverb of certainty menerangkan keyakinan atau kepastian dari suatu hal. Contoh adverb of certainty adalah surely, obviously, definitely, probably, possibly, maybe, really, dan doubly.
Contoh : Eko is obviously very clever.
F. Adverb of Degree
Adverb of degree menerangkan sebarapa banyak, sejauh mana, atau pada tingkat apa sesuatu terjadi. Contoh kata yang termasuk adverb of degree adalah very (sangat), enough (cukup), rather (agak), fairly (agak), nearly (hampir), pretty (cukup), dan lain-lain.
Contoh : Rara sings pretty well.
G. Interrogative adverb
Interrogative adverb dipakai dalam pertanyaan. Contoh kata keterangan ini adalah when, where, why, dan how.
Contoh : Where are you going tonight?
8. Conjunction adverb
Conjunction adverb berperan menghubungkan dua klausa. Contoh conjuntion adverb adalah however, consequently, then, next, dan still.
Contoh : Life is hard. However, life can be fun.

Adverb Of Manner
1.    The students sing happily
2.       The athlete compete fairly
3.       The students study hardly
4.       The cars run fastly
5.      She stared at me sadly
Adverb Of Frequency
1.    I often forget your way home
2.    He seldom visited here
3.    She rarely exercises
4.    I've gone there twice
5.    Me and he sometimes meet here
Adverb Of Time
1.    Let's go now
2.    I met him yesterday
3.    I'll call you later
4.    He picks me up daily
5.    I am going to the hospital immediately

Adverb Of Place
1.    My house near the mall
2.    Your shoes below the table
3.    I have been there for a long time
4.    go away from here
5.    My son is out
Frase dengan 1 Adjective

     1. Rina is a diligent student
     2. Rio is a lazy man
     3. I have a big cow
     4. VW is a old car
     5. Riska is a fat woman

Frase dengan 2 Adjective
1.    She has an expensive bag
2.    I have a beautiful small cat
3.    Agnes Monica is famous young singer
4.    She has a new white car
5.    She has some new diamond

Frase dengan Adjective lebih dari 2

1.    Afgan is famous young Indonesian singer
2.    Kiki has some small white rabbit
3.    Indonesia the arrival of any young Arabian prince
4.    Thomas has a big round blue eyes

5.    Leoni is a beautiful young chinese woman

Selasa, 23 Mei 2017



Pencak silat is a traditional Indonesian martial art. Silat is thought to have spread since the seventh century or during the reign. Silat has kicking,  and dodging moves. Some of the movements of silat there are images of animal movements, such as snakes, monkeys, and birds. Pencak Silat other than as ordinary martial arts common in the Palang Pintu  show for the wedding of Betawi people. Even I am not from the Betawi tribe, if I get married, I will show the Pencak Silat.
In ancient times, the kingdom had a martial arts warrior to protect the kingdom and face war. The famous silat swordsman of his story until now is PITUNG warrior of Betawi. If you saw the movie about him, you would have enjoyed it. Pitung is a warrior from Rawabelong village, West Jakarta. Legendary story of pitung is because he is a defender of truth in the face of injustice committed by the Dutch colonizers. In his story is told that he is the most sought after by Dutch Company because he has stolen their property to be distributed to the villagers because in ancient times we know how the invaders treat the natives.
For someone who comes from ordinary citizens of course he is a very brave person. Unfortunately we can’t know him directly. Maybe if we lived at that time, we would have known him. But now he is just a legend that we can find in the movie. If you didn’t remember the story, you would have watched the movie. Or you can visit the museum House of Si Pitung Marunda.
House of Si Pitung Marunda Jakarta is located in Kampung Marunda Pulo street, Cilincing North Jakarta. Some people assume that this house is the residence of Pitung. But apparently this house belongs to a wealthy merchant stolen by Pitung. The house is nuanced Bugis from Sulawesi. Inside there is a typical home furnishings dominated betawi bambo and fishing equipment. There you will feel the atmosphere of life Betawi ancient. If you had the chance, you would have to visited there.
We as the nation of Indonesia should be proud of our own culture. And never stop to preserve our diverse cultures. Feel free to learn about every culture we have. Never be ashamed to introduce our culture to other countries. Do not let our children and grandchildren do not know their own culture. And if I have a child, I will tell to learn Pencak Silat. So do you and us and our successors will not forget the history and culture of this beautiful.

TYPE 1 :
-          If I get married, I will show the Pencak Silat (Paragraph 1)
-          If I have a child, I will tell to learn Pencak Silat (Paragraph 5)

TYPE 2 :
-          If you saw the movie about him, you would have enjoyed it (Paragraph 2)
-          If we lived at that time, we would have known him (Paragraph 3)

TYPE 3 :
-          If you didn’t remember the story, you would have watched the movie (Paragraph 3)

-          If you had the chance, you would have to visited there (Paragraph 4)

Senin, 24 April 2017

Contoh Penggunaan MODALS

1. I can see you from here
2. I can meet you tomorrow
Ability (Past)
1. I could not understand what he said
2. I could not sing this song
1. I am able to make a cake
2. I am able to work independently and in a team
1. I will help you if you need me
2. I will bring you to the best place in this city
Willingness (sopan)
1. I would visit Malang last month but I was sick
2. I would call you last night, but my phone low battery
Possibility (I & We)
1. We shall meet again someday
2. I shall not call you tonight
Sugesstion, Advice
1.  You should study hard
2. You should believe her
1. You ought to wear high quality running shoes for the Olympic
2. We ought to choose qualified employees
1. Karin does not come to your party, she may so busy
2. Roni may not do that
1. You might meet the manager
2. Your son might not be angry because you are his mom
1. You look so pale, you must go to the doctor
2. Tomorrow is final exam, you must study hard
Obligation (Past)
1. I have to go to the airport soon to pick up clients
2. You have to study hard for the test or you failed

Selasa, 28 Maret 2017

Contoh Kalimat Comparisons dan Comparatives

Equal Comparisons
1. Raisa is as pretty as her sister
2. Your song is as good as her song
3. Lamborgini runs as fast as Honda Jazz

Unequal Comparisons
1. Alphard is more expensived than Terios
2. Joni is older than Toni
3. Raja Ampat is more Beautifully than Kuta

Double Comparatives
1. The harder you study, the easier you win the olimpiade
2. The more he speak, the thirstier he become
3. The faster you ride your motorcycle, the sooner you will arrive to the airport

1. Nathan is the most handsome student in my school
2. Semeru is the highest mountain in Java
3. Agnes Monica is the most popular singers in Indonesia

Senin, 26 Desember 2016

contoh cv bahasa inggris

Description: Description: IMG_7218.JPGCuriculum Vitae
Name                                       : Aulia Safitri                         
Place & Date of Birth                : Brebes, January 11 1997
Gender                                                : Female
Religion                                   : Islam
Nationality                                : Indonesia
Address                                   : Kp. Rawa Bugel Rt.002 Rw.010 No.46    
  West Bekasi
Phone Number                        : 08567123260

Educational Background
ü  2002 – 2008                : Elementary School 15, Bekasi
ü  2008 – 2011                : Junior High School 25, Bekasi
ü  2011 – 2014                : Senior High School 1, Bekasi
ü  2014 – 2018                : Gunadarma University

ü  Mastering Microsoft Office
ü  Mastering English and French language
ü  Mastering MYOB and ZAHIR software

Organizational Experience
ü  Secretary at Taekwondo Senior High School 1, Bekasi
ü  Management Division at Rohis Senior High School 1, Bekasi
ü  Chairman of  Muslim Youth Study at Junior High School 25, Bekasi
ü  Treasurer at Pencak Silat Pusaka Siliwangi

Work experience
ü  Teachers at Sahabat Dhuafa organized for National Exam subjects elementary school
ü  Private Teachers for National Exam subjects elementary school
ü  Nurse Dentist
ü  Coach martial arts Pusaka Siliwangi

ü  Assistant laboratory of basic management Gunadarma University

contoh surat lamaran kerja bahasa inggris

Personnel Department
Kingdom street 8

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to apply for the accountant position advertised in Jakarta Post.  As for my personal data as follows:

Name  : Aulia Safitri
Phone : 089666852426

As a consideration, I attach :
1. CV
2. Copy of ID card
3. Photos 4 × 6
4. Copy of certificate

Thus I created this cover letter. Hopefully I can take a test to qualify for the next stage and be able to join. thanks.

Best regards,

(Aulia Safitri)